after having seen changeable iphone covers on pinterest a few times i wanted to make my own.
so i ordered a clear case for my iphone 4s on ebay for about 2-3€. i reused the „paper-iphone-dummy“ that came with the iphone cover, cut a hole for the camera with an exacto knife and tadaaaaa, template finished.
the tools:

the template:

the paper. i used some christmas paper from my stock and also bought new scrapbooking paper. the green stack paper is soooo adorable. little birds, beevers, flowers, leaves… so cute. have a look at the designs the stack contains…

using my knife and the template i cut these three iphone case inlets. i have to admit it wasn’t easy to cut the camera holes properly. they all look a little messed up, but you can hardly see that once the paper is inside the clear case:

and here you can see my iphone all „dressed up“ with its new bird cover:

easy, cute and inexpensive. well, if you already have a huge stash of scrapbooking paper anyway. i had to buy the green stack paper which cost me about 18€ (not exactly a bargain). but i fell in love with the paper the moment i saw it and it won’t be the last time i use this paper. for more iphone cover inlets or other crafting ideas…
i just hope the clear case plus quite heavy weight scrapbooking paper doesn’t interfere with the reception. a friend called me earlier and i couldn’t understand her very well. but i’m not sure if it’s because of my new case – according to the iphone’s display the reception is fine… will have to have a closer look at that…