i finished this skein last weekend. weight wise i was aiming for dk weight as i wanted to use the yarn as a hat. not sure i completely succeeded, i had about 13 wpi in the end and about 150m on 98g 🙂
the roving is 100% shetland wool, handdyed by wheeldale woolcrafts. i think the colourway was called „earth greens“ or something. the colours are great. i kept saving this roving for something special. i tend to do that with all the yarn and roving i like most. a bit absurd, don’t you think. i’d better use it as soon as possible and wear the resulting clothing and accessories all the time…. right?!
i like spinning shetland a lot. it feels more rough and sturdy than merino but that makes it a lot easier to spin regularly and thin.
i had some problems with overspun yarn lately though. somehow i couldn’t stop treadling very fast. and apparently my hands and feet only move in the same speed: if i treadle fast, i move my hands fast, if i treadly slowly, i move my hands slowly. have to practice treadling slowly and moving my hands fast 😉
got another ravelympics medal for this:

anyway, here some photos: