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fabric box

story: when i knit (which i do all the time) i have things scattered everywhere: tape measure, knitting needles, yarn, stitch holders, hooks to rescue dropped stitches, needlebook etc… so i thought i’d sew something to overcome the chaos 😉

outer fabric + lining fabric: matching fabric i used for the needle roll (100% ikea 😉 )


the „model“ in the box is my yellow jumper by the way. this is the second try – i had to frog the whole thing because it was toooo wide. the back is finished, this is the front. hope everything goes well this time *fingers crossed*

this is the matching needle roll. they are a nice couple 😉

3 Gedanken zu „fabric box“

  1. Toll, dass Du die Motivation wieder gefunden hast und sogar schon 1,5 Teile fertig gestrickt hast. Ich habe gestern das halbe Honeycomb-Vorderteil wieder aufgeribbelt, weil ich die Zunahmen vergessen hatte.
    Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe

  2. that’s really beautiful!! i love the choice of fabric :)) and the white stitching and label!

    1. thanks a lot 🙂

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