i proudly present: my very own endpaper mitts. just finished the last rows and sewed in the last ends of yarn… it was a lot of fun, but also hard work… i even just poked myself in the eye with one of my needles (beware of double pointed needles. they are evil!)… but here are my beauties:
Sehr schön! Die stehen bei mir auch noch in der Ravelry-Liste… Allerdings auf einem gefühlten 10.000sten Platz, wobei das nicht an den Handschuhen liegt, sondern an meiner absoluten Unentschlossenheit und Langsamstrickerei. Jetzt aber wieder zu Dir: Gut gemacht!
Liebe Grüsse von der
I saw you’re endpapers over on Ravelry, they look really neat for a first colourwork project, I’ve been knitting for years and have almost finished my first endpaper but it looks no way near as good as yours
Those are fantastic! Love the colors. I really need to start knitting again.